Once the license number is issued, it will always stay the same irrespective of the status - active, inactive or delinquent. Thus, from that particular date, it will expire every two years and needs to be renewed on a timely basis. It needs to be noted that this does not mean two years, and the license will expire on the last day of the month after your birth date. In the US, majority of the states issue RN license for TWO birthdays. Furthermore, when you successfully earn your license, you are also required to meet certain requirements that are set for RN license renewal.

The NCLEX-RN licensing exam needs to be cleared along with any other requirement set by the state. Before any nurse can practice, it is important to get a license from the Board of Nursing (BON) in your home state. The license sets a precedent for the minimum skill set and knowledge ensuring the welfare of masses. According to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing, the primary purpose of a nursing license is to set the minimum qualification criterion setting the bar for entry-level nurses. Nurses are considered to be one of the largest communities of licensed professionals within the country. License Renewal Requirements for Nurses (By State) Get the Updated RN License Renewal Requirements